Friday, 10 May 2013

Stephanie Murray selected for Liberton/Gilmerton By-Election

Stephanie Murray
Stephanie Murray has been selected by local Conservatives as Scottish Conservative & Unionist candidate for the upcoming by-election in Liberton/Gilmerton.

Stephanie is in her 20s and was born and raised in the ward.  She currently works for KPMG in the field of tax.  Standing as the Conservative candidate in the 2010 by-election in the same ward, she took the Conservatives into 3rd place above the Lib Dems.  Her performance was seen as a key building block on the road to the Conservatives gaining a seat in the ward at the 2012 council election when fellow local activist Nick Cook became Edinburgh's youngest councillor.

She is a previous chair of Conservative Future Edinburgh, the organisation of young Conservatives in Edinburgh.  Stephanie has a degree in law from Edinburgh University and a BA in humanities and social science.  She is well known locally.

Cameron Rose, leader of the Conservative Group on Edinburgh Council welcomed her nomination:

“Stephanie brings youth, local knowledge and common sense to this by-election contest."

Nick Cook, Edinburgh's youngest Councillor and current Conservative Councillor for the Liberton/Gilmerton ward commented: 

" Stephanie is an excellent choice as Conservative candidate for Liberton/Gilmerton.

 Having campaigned in the ward alongside her at the 2010 by-election and during my own election campaign in 2012, I know first hand that she is a very approachable, knowledgeable and compassionate individual. She was born and raised in the ward and has an excellent understanding of the local community."

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