Thursday, 15 August 2013

Tram companies report

Tomorrow, the Labour/SNP administration of Edinburgh Council will publish the report on the proposals for the governance of the company structure for Lothian Buses and the tram companies.

In a media release today initial details are included.    Because surrounding Councils hold a 9% stake in Lothian Buses (with the remainder held by Edinburgh Council), the governance structure has three elements - Lothian Buses, the tram company and Transport for Edinburgh, the parent company.

The report will be considered at a meeting of Edinburgh Council on 22nd August.

Conservative Group Leader Cllr Cameron Rose has commented on the proposals and press release:
"Given the history of the project, the top priority is to get trams up and running as efficiently as possible. With trams now being tested on the track between Gogar and the Airport,  Transport for Edinburgh needs to focus on providing a good service to travelling customers with integrated tram and buses.  Grand plans for the future are premature.  
The reality is that the tram part of the companies will not run profitably for some considerable time and the priority is to get it running smoothly - and into the black as soon as can be.  That is what the people and taxpayers of Edinburgh expect and deserve.
The proposals published by the Administration are for a politician to chair the board of the transport companies.  That is not a good idea.  I believe a non executive director with relevant transport expertise would be more appropriate and I will try to persuade the Administration to accept this improvement."
The report will be available on the Council web site late tomorrow morning. 

Monday, 12 August 2013

Edinburgh Conservatives mourn the passing of David McLetchie MSP

It is with great sadness that Edinburgh Conservatives have learned of the passing of Lothian MSP and former Scottish Conservative Leader, David McLetchie, aged 61.

Commenting, Edinburgh's youngest Councillor, Nick Cook said:

"I feel privileged to have known and had the opportunity to learn from David McLetchie.

David was a 'true blue' Conservative. He was an excellent MSP for both the people of his former Edinburgh Pentlands constituency and the wider Lothian region. He was a towering figure in Scottish politics who was respected across the political divide. Above all he was a thoroughly decent man.

My thoughts are with his family at this very sad time."